The word Bible means “book”. The Bible was given this name because it is the book of God’s words to us. The Bible tells us about God, shows us God’s mighty acts in the lives of his people, and describes how people responded to God. From the Bible we learn what God is like and what he expects of us.


It took about 1500 years for the whole Bible to be written – from Genesis, written at the time of Moses, to Revelation, written by the apostle John about 65 years after Jesus’ death. The books of the Bible had many different authors, living at different times and in different places. Yet not one of these writers contradicts another. God guided them so that they wrote in their own words what he wanted them to say. This means that the Bible is a completely dependable and trustworthy book. We can believe everything it says because it comes from God.


The Bible has two major parts – the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is a collection of 39 books. Both Jews and Christians accept these books as Scripture. The Old Testament starts with the creation of the universe and of the human race. Then it continues with the history of God’s chosen people – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants, whom God formed into the nation of Israel. In the Old Testament God begins to show his plan for saving people from sin. Through his prophets he promised many times to send the Messiah, the savior of sinners.


The New Testament is made up of 27 books accepted by Christians as Scripture. It tells about the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and about the beginning of the Christian church. It describes the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. It explains why he died, and it teaches us how we can be saved from sin.


·         The New Testament – in the Old Testament concealed
·         The Old Testament – in the New Testament revealed


·         Old Testament
o   The story of a Nation
o   Incomplete
§  John 5:39;
o   Unexplained ceremonies (sacrificial rituals)
o   Unachieved purposes (the covenants)
o   Unappeased longings (poetical books)
o   Unfulfilled prophecies
o   The Torah – The Books of Moses      5
§  Genesis (the Book of Beginnings)
·         1, 2 (Creation)
·         3 (Fall of Man)
·         4 (Cain & Abel)
·         5 (Genealogy of Noah)
·         6-9 (Flood of Noah)
·         10-11 (Tower of Babel)
·         12-20 (Abraham)
·         21-26 (Isaac)
·         27-36 (Jacob)
·         37-50 (Joseph)
§  Exodus (the Birth of the Nation)
§  Leviticus (the Law of the Nation)
§  Numbers (the Wilderness Wanderings)
§  Deuteronomy (the Laws Reviewed)
o   The Historical Books   12
o   The Poetical Books      5
o   The Prophets               17
§  Major               5
§  Minor              12
·         New Testament
o   The story of a man
o   The Old Testament


The Old Testament was first written in the Hebrew and Aramaic languages. About 250 years before Jesus’ birth, it was translated into Greek (this text was called the Septuagint). All of the New Testament was written in Greek. About 350 years after Jesus’ death, Jerome, who was a leader in the early church, translated the Bible into Latin, the language commonly spoken by many people at that time. Several hundred years later, most people no longer spoke Latin. But even so, Jerome’s translation, called the Vulgate, was the official Bible in Western Europe for more than 1000 years.
In the late 1300s, John Wycliffe came to believe that it was important for all Christians to read the Bible in their own language. He and his followers were the first to translate the whole Bible in to English. But because the printing press had not yet been invented, copies were made by hand and very few were available. About 140 years later, William Tyndale translated the New Testament from Greek to English. At the time the printing press was available, so Tyndale’s Bible was the first English Bible printed on a press.
In 1611 the best-known English Bible, the King James Version, was published. That is the Bible you are reading today.


·         Foundational Topics
o   The Nature of Reality
§  Nature of Time (Nature of Software)
·         Einstein’s Revolution
o   Special Relativity (1905)
§  Length, mass, velocity and time are relative to velocity of the observers
o   General Relativity (1915)
§  No distinction between time & space = a 4-dimensional continuum (Confirmed 14 ways to 19 decimals)
·         Gravitational Time Dilation
o   Identical Atomic clocks are located at
§  The National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado
·         54000ft
§  The Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England
·         80ft
§  Both are accurate to better than 1 second per million years
§  The NIST ticks 5 µseconds/year faster than an identical clock at Greenwich
§     Are faster by 10 by (-16th power) meter elevation
·         Other Demonstrations
o   Aircraft experiment (1971)
§  Eastward: lost 0.059 microseconds
§  Westward: gained 0.273 microseconds
o   Twin astronauts (hypothetical)
§  Alpha Centauri trip…
§  If v= 50% of c
·         Te = 18 years

·         Ts = 15 years, 7 months
·         2 years, 5 months younger than his twin brother
§  If v= 99.99% of c
·         Te = 9 years
·         Ts = 33 days
o   Time is not uniform
§  Time is a physical property
§  Time varies with
·         Mass
·         Acceleration
·         Gravity
§  We exist in more than 3 dimensions, maybe 10
·         People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between the past, the present, and the future, is only a stubbornly persistent illusion”. Albert Einstein
·         Beyond Euclid (>3 Dimensions)
o   1854: Georg Riemann’s Metric Tensors
o   1915: Einstein, 4-Dimensional Spacetime
o   1953: Kaluza-Klein: 4+n Dimensions
§  Light, & Supergravity
o   1963: Yang-Mills Fields
§  Electromagnetic & Both Nuclear Forces
o   1984: Superstrings, 10-Dimensions
§  Dimensions of “Reality” {commentary on Genesis, 1263}
·         Nachmonides, (12th Century)
o   10 dimensions (only 4 are “knowable”)
·         Particle Physicists, (20th Century)
o   10 dimensions
§  4 are directly measurable: (3 spatial + time)
§     6 are “curled” into less than ?cm, and thus inferable only by indirect means
§  Hyperspaces (Spaces of more than 3 dimensions)
·         Only two kinds of people seem able to deal with hyperspaces
o   Mathematicians with special training
o   Small children
·         Ephesians 3: 17-19
o   Hidden Codes
§  Are they hidden messages in the bible?
·         Proverbs 25:2
·         “The secrets of the Torah are revealed in the skipping of the letters.” Rabbi Moses Cordevaro, 16th century
·         “Equidistant Letter Sequence?”
o   Rips explained that each code is a case of adding every fourth letter to form a word.
o   Read the code
·         Torah Codes (the Torah always points to YHWH)
o       49 (7 squared) letter sequences:
§  Genesis                TORH
§  Exodus                 TORH
§  Leviticus               YHWH (intervals of 7)
§  Numbers              HROT
§  Deuteronomy     HROT
§  Authentication
o   Holographic Properties (Fourier Transform)
§  Requires proper illumination
·         Useless in natural light
§  Information spread over entire bandwidth
·         No loss from drop outs
·         Resilient to specific interference
·         Anticipates hostile jamming
o   Communications Engineering
§  The Bible as a Hologram
·         Fourier Transform Properties
·         Transcendent of Parallax
·         Matthew 5: 17,18
·         Attributes
o   Light
§  No Parallax
§  Velocity constant
§  Photons lack locality
§  Fundamental
·         Revelatory
·         Mechanism
o   GOD
§  Located at Infinity
§  Infinite Power
§  Omnipresence
§  Omniscience
o   James 1:17 (variableness: from which we get the term parallax)
·         Isaiah 28:13


King James Version Bible. The Zondervan Corporation,  1984.
Chuck Missler Learn The Bible in 24 Hours 01 Introduction
